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72 Products

Ornamental plantsGo back to menu
Assortment Acers

Assortment of Acers in different varieties and formats... more

Nandina domestica Gulf Stream

One of the best shrubs compact to the interest of the foliage throughout the year... more

Rhododendron hybrid

Plant widely demanded in gardening, especially due to the beauty of their flowers... more

Large Assortment of Grass mix of varieties and formats.

Incredible variety of Grasses with some characteristics in common such as their stems are hollow,...... more

Assortment Juniperus in different formats and varieties.

Beautiful shrub that can be found in different varieties and sizes. Generally their foliage is...... more

Assortment of Thujas in different formats and varieties.

Bright conifer family of trees. Have a bark, reddish and fibrous, and its branches are flat. ... more

Beautiful Agapanthus Africanus

Plant leaves bright green, very compact. Flowering is in summer and their large flowers are...... more

Camellia japonica mix formats and varieties

A bush that flowers very showy blooms in Winter... more

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea common... more

Coprosmas Mix

Bush very eye-catching glossy leaves... more

Assortment of Azaleas

Assortment of Azaleas Japónicas and Collection.... more

Camellia Sasanqua

Camellia Sasanqua is an evergreen shrub with large pink flowers.... more

Gardenia Jasminoide

Beautiful Gardenia evergreen, with leaves dark green and shiny. Its flower is white and very...... more

Assortment Magnolia Collection expires

Assortment Magnolia Grafted in different varieties and formats. ... more

Assortment of Magnolia Grandiflora

Magnolia Grandiflora in different formats and varieties. ... more

Pieris Japonica

Beautiful Pieris Japonica is a shrub with white flowers in the spring. ... more

Rhododendrom Dwarf

Rhododendrom Dwarf with striking flowers of different colors.... more

Assortment Abelia Variegata and Grandiflora

Different varieties and formats in Abelia... more

Strawberry Tree Arbutus Unedo

Bush is very typical of a reddish trunk and the leaves serrate... more

Assortment of Berberis

Varieties of Berbeis thunbergii as "Admiration","Coral", "Green Carpet" "Red Rocket" ... more

Correa Reflexa

Shrub with tubular flowers of variable color.... more

Assortment Elaeagnus Ebbingei

Beautiful deciduous shrub or perennial . Its flowers are tiny and without petals... more

Assortment Escallonia in different formats and varieties.

Leafy shrub, its flowers are small and can be pink, red or white. ... more

Assortment of Euonymus

Small shrub blade smooth and bright its flowers are white, green or purple. ... more

Grevillea, different formats and varieties

Shrub with green foliage and brilliant flowers of bright color at the end of the branches. ... more

Hibiscus Syriacus

Plant flower ornamental. Your flower can be many colors and bloom from spring until the...... more

Leptospermum Scoparium

Shrub type bushes with white flowers, and occasionally pink. Known as the "Tea Tree"... more

Assortment Ilex in different varieties and formats.

Ilex aquifolium "Alaska":Shrub with dense crown and ramosa from the base.Ilex Crenata : dense...... more


Shrub of an evergreen rounded form with foliage reddish abundanteSus flowers are white,small and...... more

Lonicera Sharp

Shrub of lush evergreen with small flowers. ... more


Amazing shrub of rounded form and with different shades of leaves, from green to red. ... more

Assortment Loropetalum Chinensis

Beautiful Loropetalum in different formats and varieties. Their flowers with white or pink...... more

Assortment of Mahonia in different formats and varieties.

Perennial shrub with alternate leaves edged with spiny. Its flowers with yellow in the form of a...... more

Metrosidero Excelsea

Precious shrubs or trees,their leaves are oval and opposite. Its flowers have 5 petals. ... more

Assortment Nandina Domestic in different varieties.

Decorative shrub prized for its dark green leaves and its fruits red.... more

Assortment of Photinias in different varieties and formats.

Popular shrub for its rapid growth and for its excellent qualities. Its leaves are shiny and its...... more

Physocarpus Opulifolius

Rounded deciduous shrub. Its leaves are oval and its flowers are white with five petals.... more

Pittosporum Tenuifolium

Compact evergreen shrub with green leaves showy, purple flowers small with fragrance. ... more

Strobilanthes Brunetthy

Herbaceous plant, tropical, leaves are green with pink background.... more

Symphoricarpus Magical

Attractive shrub with abundant decorative flowers. ... more

Skyringa Vulgaris

Shrub or small tree with leaves dark green and expires. Its flowers are small, tubular and...... more

Assortment of Viburnum in different formats and varieties.

Lustrous bush of green leaves and little hairs. The flowers are white or pink. ... more

Phormium, Great choice and variety.

Multicolored shrub of rapid growth, adapts to all climates.Its leaves are evergreen and the...... more

Lavandula Stoechas

Perennial woody stems of a grayish color. The flowers are spike-like bluish or purplish. ... more

Lippia Citriodora

Plant known as hierba Luisa, Plant stems, erect, and whole leaves, its flowers are small and...... more

Melissa Officinalis

Aromatic perennial herb. Its leaves are irregularly serrated and green.The leaves are white or...... more

Mentha Piperita

Perennial plant with stems very branched. The leaves are stalked, dark-green. The flowers have...... more

Plectranthus Madascariensis

Aromatic climbing plant, its leaves are green with the edges white or cream. ... more


Shrub with aromatic and woody, with evergreen leaves and many-branched. Its flowers are...... more

Ruta Graveolens

Shrub branched with leaves semi-evergreen green. The flowers form clusters of a yellow colour...... more

Thymus Citriodorus

Evergreen shrub  small leaves, golden-yellow colour with a shape between round and oval. ... more

Assortment Phyllostachys in different formats and varieties.

We have a wide range of Phyllostachys, Commonly known as Bamboo , composed of branches of hard...... more


The Chamaelobivia is known as Cactus. It has many varieties as well as its flowers combine...... more

Thuja orientalis Aurea Nana

Conifer very elegant... more

Assortment of Cordyline, mix formats and varieties.

Beautiful shrub, sparsely branched and woody stems. Its flowers are greenish, pinkish or yellowish.... more

Hardenbergia purple

Blue flowers purple, very showy and eye-catching in the form of a cluster... more

Wide assortment of Clematis in many different formats and varieties

Lovely climbing plant with flowers very eye-catching with its vivid colors. ... more

Hydrangea Magical Four Seasons

Una atracción visual... more

Assortment Buxus

Assortment of Buxus in various formats and varieties.... more

Callistemon shrub

Estimated by their blooms, generous and bold. ... more

Calocephalus brownii

Beautiful shrub, rounded with twigs tangled and silvery appearance.... more

Ceanothus Thyrsiflorus

Excellent upholstery shrub with abundant flowering. ... more

Assortment Diosma hirsuta

Shrub with feathery foliage and fragrant, Its flowers are abundant, and small white or pink.... more

Camellia Three Sisters

The winter queen... more

Surtido Bambú Fargesia

New variety of bamboo “No invasive”... more


Very elegant and decorative. Provides movement and contrast to the garden... more

Blechnum brasioiensis

evergreen fern... more

Jasminum polyanthum

evergreen climbing plant... more

Fruit trees and fruit shrubsGo back to menu
Fruit me® Collection

Fruit trees prepared to live in small areas since ... more

Assorted Fruits of the Forest

Extensive collection... more