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Monstera adasonii

Common name: Monstera adasoni, Swiss cheese plant

Synonyms: Monstera monkey


Nurseries and wholsalers Monstera adasonii:Veraleza


Monstera adansonii is known for its beautiful heart-shaped leaves. It differs from the popular Monstera deliciosa variety in that its fenestrations consist of oval-shaped holes throughout the leaf.


It is a very demanding plant that must be cared for on a daily basis. Here are the criteria to consider in its cultivation.

It is a plant that needs high luminosity, but avoiding direct sunlight. The temperature must be kept between 20 and 25ºC. Being very sensitive to cold and frost.

It requires higher levels of irrigation and fertility than Monstera deliciosa. As it is a tropical plant, it needs abundant watering in the hottest months and moderate during the winter.


By cutting




Exposure in partial shadeRequires abundant wateringMaximum tolerance to cold: 20°CEvergreen leaf