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Fertinagro Vida presenta en Iberflora sus últimas novedades en nutrición y control de plagas para huerto y jardÃn

18/10/2023 Author: Fertinagro Vida

During the international fair in Valencia, Fertinagro Vida has had the opportunity to present all the new developments in its solidarity line of products aimed at nutrition and pest control in orchard and garden plants.

This line of technological products , and many of them ecological , has more than 40 references, designed to offer the best results, with maximum environmental respect , to home gardening lovers.

Five of the new references were presented at the Iberflora Innovation Awards , in the 'Plant Care and Health' Category.

Together, improving the lives of plants and people

Fertinagro Vida is a solidarity initiative that was born from the Tervalis Foundation , in collaboration with Fertinagro Biotech , a leading company in the production and marketing of professional fertilizers in the Spanish market.
From 2005 to today, thanks to this and other initiatives the Foundation has managed to employ more than 120 people who were on the threshold of exclusion. And if something differentiates this proposal above others on the market, it is the social and human component .

Iberflora, therefore, was a great opportunity to bring this social project to the public, aimed at creating stable employment for people with disabilities. During the fair days, the Fertinagro Vida stand had part of the Térvalis Foundation team that makes the development of this new catalog possible, among them, some of the people who are dedicated to manually packaging each of the products.

The first impressions after the fair were very positive, since it was possible to give visibility to the new image and the catalogue, as well as the main objective of socio-labor integration that is developed under Fertinagro Vida.

Visitors had the opportunity to learn about all the solutions provided by Fertinagro Vida for plant care and nutrition, highlighting the incorporation of technologies with high biostimulant capacity for plant development, as well as the great performance they offer in each of the products. .

We highlight the interest generated by the new 40 g BIO formats in specific soluble solutions for nutrition and correction, with great biostimulant action on plants due to the incorporation of amino acids, organic matter and prebiotics and probiotics that induce microbial life: Universal Revitalizing BIO Turbo , BIO Universal Greening , BIO Natural Superenzaizer , BIO Deficiency Corrector and BIO Fruit Enhancer .

The presentation of its Universal Premium Technological Fertilizer with micronutrients and amino acids was also widely accepted among visitors. It is a technological minigranulated NPK fertilizer with long duration and immediate effects that offers double the performance of any other granules on the market, managing to reduce the dose to be applied, also contributing to increasing the natural defenses of the plants.

Other novelties worth highlighting were two products aimed at achieving exuberant flowering such as its Natural Color Enhancer 400 gr and Bloom Enhancer 40 gr based on a specific choice of micronutrients aimed at this purpose.