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The Commission fails to extend the term of glyphosate to one month from its expiration

The Commission is now obliged to take a decision before December 15

18/11/2022 Author: Phytoma

The Appeals Committee of the European Commission met this Tuesday to approve the regulation that proposes to extend the authorization of glyphosate by one year, but did not achieve a sufficient majority . The Commission is now required to make a decision before December 15 , when the herbicide's approval expires.

On October 14, the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed had already voted on the draft Commission Implementing Regulation. Although a majority of Member States supported the proposal, a qualified majority (55% support of countries representing 65% of the population) was not achieved.

The extension of approval is due to delays in the ongoing peer review process. In May, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) revised the planned timetable and postponed to July 2023 the presentation of the conclusions of the peer review to the European Commission, the Member States and the Glyphosate Renewal Group. Therefore, the renewal procedure will conclude after the current expiration of the approval, next December 15.

The extension of the authorization, which now depends on the Commission, is independent of the renewal of the herbicide, a decision that can only be taken once the scientific evaluation has been completed.