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The EU obliges to include traceability in the phytosanitary passport of 8 plants

The rule comes into force in December 2021 and affects citrus, oleander or olive trees

01/12/2020 Author: GuíaVerde

The European Union has published in its Official Gazette a list of 8 plant species that it requires to include the traceability code in the phytosanitary passport. Article 83 of the standard 2016/2031 allows not requiring the traceability code to plantation vegetables that "are prepared in such a way that they are ready for sale to end users without any additional preparation and there is no risk in relation to the spread of pests quarantine of the Union or of subject pests (?...). That is, it is not requested, for example, if it goes from a nursery to a final consumer.

However, the administration reserves the decision to decide which plants are not eligible for this exemption. These are: the genus Citrus and Coffea; Lavandula dentata the L. L. Nerium oleander, Olea europea L., Polygala Myrtifolia L., Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb L. and Solanum tuersoum are outside of this application the semilas.

The administration makes this decision, he points out, because "some of these plants for planting have been intercepted, while they were being moved within the Union, for harboring quarantine pests of the Union." The application of these Regulations will enter into force on December 31, 2021 .

Consult the Regulation