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Lantana camara

Bright, sun-loving and abundant producing its flowers, the Lantana Camara plant adorns any landscape with its lots of colors. Little by little it has been introduced in many parts of the world as an ornamental plant from tropical and subtropical areas.

Lantana camara has a highly branched and somewhat smelly shrubby bearing. Its growth is very fast and easily reaches heights greater than one meter, even exceeding two.

The leaves of the Lantana camara are deciduous, simple, opposite, petiolate, with a somewhat serrated edge and a rough and rough appearance on the upper side, with a certain very characteristic odor.

It is highly appreciated in temperate zones for its prolonged multi-colored flowering. Its flowering is very spectacular, beginning in Spain in early spring and continuing until well into autumn.

Technical data:

Height: 0.5-2 meters.

Exposure: Full light.

Flowering: From spring to autumn.

Climate: Up to 5ºC

Foliage: Deciduous.


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