Professional Web Portal and Printed Directory about Companies, Products and Services from the Horticulture, Gardening and Associated Markets.

Search by Research centers and biotechnology (53)

Neiker - TecnaliaOrganizations, institutions and professional services ||Álava - España

Neiker-Tecnalia, Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, es una Sociedad Pública sin ánimo de lucro adscrita al Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial, Agricultura y Pesca.

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Special Proceses and ChemicalsOrganizations, institutions and professional services ||Castellón de la Plana - España

Empresa de nanotecnología que se dedica a la fabricación de productos químicos

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DanzigerBreeders (seeds, bulbs, cuttings,...) ||- Israel

Research, breeding, development, propagation, production, sale and marketing of annual and perennial cut flower varieties, creating extraordinary flower varieties and beautiful assortments that help customers throughout the entire supply chain. co...

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