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Search by Ornamental shrub (1188)

Acer palmatumSee file

Common name: Japanese Maple, Japan Maple, Webbed Maple, Polymorphous Maple, Dwarf Maple.

Palmate green leaves that turn carmine red in autumn.

Synonyms: Acer melodium, Acer decomposite, Acer dissectum, Acer formosum, Negundo sessilifolium, Acer pinnatifidum

Type:Arbusto ornamental

Nurseries and wholsalers Acer palmatum: Coplant Galicia, Viveros Guzmán, Plantanova, Viveros Sánchez, Veraleza, Viveros Ángel

Acer palmatum 'Atropurpureum'See file

Common name: Purple Palmate Maple

Foliage Japanese Maples with a striking crimson color. Throughout the summer months it turns bright red in the fall

Type:Arbusto ornamental

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'See file

Common name: palmate maple

The leaves of this variety of Japan Maple have several pointed lobes, red to deep purple-red, which turn bright red in fall.

Type:Arbusto ornamental