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Search by 'Olivos' (67)


About 150 olive growers attend the Field Day on vegetal covers in olive groves

New day of the training agreement on Ecoregimes between the MAPA and the AEACSV... read more

27/03/2024Author: AEACSV

P.O.M. Producción Ornamental Mediterráneo

Mediterranean Ornamental Production: Specialists in Exporting High Quality Olive Trees

We continue to be one of the main exporters of high quality olive trees... read more


Half a hundred Spanish companies land at IPM Essen

The Spanish pavilion, organized by Fepex, will occupy part of pavilion... read more

22/01/2024Author: GuíaVerde

MPS Certification System

A short-term sales campaign in which interest in the carbon footprint increases

The coordinator of MPS Spain and Portugal, René Rombouts, carries out a "tour" through crops in Catalonia, the Valencian Community and Andalusia to find out about the situation of the sector... read more


More than 50 Spanish companies will participate in IPM Essen

Find out which are the companies that have confirmed their participation... read more

05/01/2023Author: GuíaVerde


Salon du Végétal kicks off in France with 250 confirmed exhibitors

Six Spanish companies are exhibiting at the main French fair: Coplant, Cultius Ponç, Masecor, Olivos Lorente, Tanako Plant and Viveros las Cunas.... read more

13/09/2022Author: GuíaVerde

The CSIC delivered to two nurseries the first two varieties of olive native to Galicia

A nursery of Lugo, and another of A Coruña have received these two varieties of olive native galician, called Brava gallega and Mansa galician, through a contract of transfer of material and non-exclusive license. ... read more

23/01/2019Author: Agencias/ GuíaVerde