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The Parliament of Catalonia urges the Government to make survival irrigation of gardens and green areas more flexible

The resolution was approved with 98 votes in favor, 34 abstentions and no votes against.

26/03/2024 Author: GuíaVerde
Voting on the proposals in response to the drought in the Parliament. Photo: Parliament of Catalonia / Lali Puig Farré

A group of 14 Catalan sectoral associations, grouped under the collective name of "Green Industry" and made up of representatives of the sectors of plant production, gardening, garden centers, floristry and all related productive sectors, has expressed in a statement his “satisfaction with the approval in the Parliament of Catalonia of the proposed resolution that urges the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia to allow the use of non-potable water for the survival irrigation of gardens and green areas, both public and private .”

Currently, the restrictions imposed by the Drought Emergency mean that irrigation can only be done if it is for the survival of trees or public botanical gardens, as long as it is done with groundwater or regenerated water.

The proposed resolution, approved by 98 votes in favor, none against and 34 abstentions, “represents a hopeful step to help alleviate the effects that drought restrictions are having on the Green Industry sector, and should also serve to "claim and value the essentiality of Green Heritage as an essential element for the mitigation of climate change and the enhancement of biodiversity, as well as for the physical and mental health of people for all the benefits it provides," the entity states.

In a press release from the Fundació de la Jardineria i el Paisatge de Catalunya, it is emphasized that the initiative was urged by the Parliament of Catalonia during the Monographic Plenary Session on Drought held on February 20 "in response to the demands that the entities signed, representatives of the Green Industry of Catalonia, we sent them to the different parliamentary groups.”