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Marseille hosts JdC Garden Trends with 1,000 brands from 20 countries

At the fair you can see all the latest developments in gardening, outdoor living or landscaping.

26/03/2024 Author: GuíaVerde

The French city of Marseille hosts this week, from March 26 to 28, the Garden Trends Collection Days (JdC) fair, with the participation of 390 exhibitors with 1,000 brands from 20 countries belonging to the outdoor living, gardening and cultivation sectors. , landscaping and construction, home and leisure and retail services .

The twentieth edition of JdC Garden Trends will showcase the main innovations in the industry and offers a space for exploration for professionals who want to stay at the forefront of sustainable trends and practices.

Conferences led by industry experts will provide an ideal framework to understand emerging market trends, with presentations from Promojardin, GFK, Manuel Rucar tendanceur cabinet Chlorosphère and others. These presentations are supported by figures and market analysis giving visitors a clear picture of how the industry is evolving.

Likewise, JdC Garden Trends will host the prestigious Garden Collection Awards competition . This event offers retail gardening professionals an exceptional opportunity to stay at the forefront of the industry and find the products that will make a difference in the market.