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Zero residue, biofungicides or retrovirals reduce fungal or viral diseases in crops

Vellsam Bioactive Materials has been researching new formulations of natural origin for more than five years that can reduce certain fungal or viral diseases.

26/03/2024 Author: Vellsam

Fungal and viral diseases represent a constant threat to crop health and yield. These are pathogenic microorganisms that can cause great damage to the fields, affecting the quality, yield and even the economic viability of the agricultural operation. These fungal and viral diseases present real challenges for farmers, requiring effective and constantly evolving management strategies.

0 residue, biofungicides or retrovirals are some of the names given to certain products that, in one way or another, have a positive impact on plants, reducing fungal or viral diseases in crops.

In this sense, Vellsam Materias Bioactivas , a leader in the research and development of biotechnological solutions that improve crops around the world, has been researching new formulations of natural origin for more than five years that manage to reduce certain fungal or viral diseases.

To this end, Vellsam has carried out numerous tests with combinations of certain compounds such as vitamins, botanical and microbial extracts, biotic and abiotic elicitors or amino acids, with the aim of obtaining secondary metabolites that act as biofungicides or act as signal elements that induce the plant to defend itself from external attacks.

Today's horticultural plants have been crossed so that the productivity and precocity of the fruits prevail. In this way, little by little some factors have been introduced that induce greater resistance or tolerance to certain situations, both biotic, pathogenic, and abiotic, such as sudden changes in temperature, salinity or lack of water.

Thus, in addition to this genetic material, a new stage is currently opening in the use of elicitors through complex fertilizers, in which antioxidants, biostimulants and osmoprotectors prevail, which cause the appearance of chemical defense mechanisms against these different factors. external.

One of the solutions from Vellsam Bioactive Materials that fulfills this role is Provite Defense, a product that acts in the active defense of plants, through the endogenous production or exogenous application of compounds known as elicitors. The objective of these elicitors is to mediate as activators of defensive reactions, stimulating the plant's defense mechanisms to protect it, thus reducing diseases caused by fungi and bacteria in different types of crops.

In one of the trials carried out with Provite Defense on a cucumber crop affected by a yeast infection, the dispersal of spores and spread of diseases has been observed in the control leaves, while in those that have received the application the plant has been resistant, confining the pathogen and limiting the disease.

On the other hand, Vellsam has other products, such as Eklovit, where the union of certain biostimulants such as algae, amino acids, vitamins, sugars or extracts, up to more than 18 different substances, provide plants with an immediate response to viral symptoms, such as They can be the cucumber mosaic virus (PepMV) or the New Delhi virus, minimizing the damage caused by them to tomato, zucchini or cucumber crops and maintaining production quality parameters in the affected plants.