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With varying degrees of modernization as needed.

Our models allow use both flexible cover (plastic film, shading cloth, monofilament mesh ...) or rigid (PVC, polycarbonate, etc..). The glass can also be used in model PW and the vertical faces of the model P8.

Ventilation can be installed in ceilings and front and side, with manual or automatic opening.

Use: Productions horticultural seedbeds and young plants, ornamental plants, cut flowers and greens.
- Model: P-6'4, P-7.4, P-8, P-9, P-9'6 Gotico, P-10 (multi-chapel type).

Our greenhouses are capable of being upgraded with various equipment. Offer the possibility of future action in its modernization: fixed, mobile, portable, heating tables, Cooling System, CO2, Fog System, shrouds, climate control equipment and fertigation. TYPEKEYWORDS

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