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Maximum ®

High systemic copper deficiency corrector (double systemic) combined with amino acids from brown algae, with a strong defense-inducing and biostimulant effect on sprouting processes. Vascularizing and fortifying action of plants susceptible to various internal and vascular pathophysiology.

Where to use it?

Indicated for all types of crops, both woody (vine, vineyard, olive grove, citrus, stone fruit * and pip, and tropical) as well as horticultural, greenhouse or outdoor, and in industrial crops such as rice.
* In stone fruit trees and other species and varieties sensitive to copper and metallic complexes in vegetation, apply only through the roots.

How to use it?

In foliar spraying, use between 2.0 and 2.5 L / Ha of water every 15 - 20 days, depending on risk. For root use, use between 2.5 - 3.5 L / Ha every 15 - 20 days, performing at least 2 - 3 treatments per cycle. It combines very well with Kryptonite® (high synergy). For more information consult our technical department.


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