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Pelargonium peltatum

Common name: Gitanilla, Ivy-leaved geranium, Murciana

Synonyms: Pelargonium hederaefolium

Type:Perennial plant

Nurseries and wholsalers Pelargonium peltatum:Arribas Center, Barnaplant, Vivero las Fresas, SEMPREFLORA, Veraleza


Vivacious plant widely used in gardening. It has a hanging bearing, and is very popular.

Its simple or double flowers are gathered in umbels, which appear uninterruptedly from spring to autumn, depending on the variety we can find flowers colored red, white, pink, salmon, cream ...


Easy to care for, prefers sunny places.

It is recommended to fertilize every two weeks to promote and intensify flowering.

Dry leaves, flowers and branches should be removed. It is necessary to treat it against the moth every 2 or 3 months during the spring, summer and fall.


It is cultivated in gardening in large groups in parks and gardens, although its most common use is in pots on patios and balconies, an annual patio contest is held in the city of Córdoba, where the geranium is the main plant.


It reproduces easily by cutting in spring, being the most common practice or by seeds in winter.


Exposure to full sunRequires moderate wateringMaximum tolerance to cold: < -1°CFlowering month: IV-VIIHeight: 60 cm