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Rosa corymbifera

Common name: wild rose, rose hip,

Synonyms:Crepinia corymbifera, Rosa tomentella subsp. affinity

Type:Ornamental shrub


The wild rose ( Rosa corymbifera) is a shrub that belongs to the Rosaceae Family.

It is a plant very similar and related to the rose hip, Rosa canina .

It is a shrub that can reach 3 meters in height, and has a stoloniferous character.

Its foliage is formed by elliptical leaflets that are up to 4 centimeters, pubescent in young specimens.

The wild rose produces an interesting white bloom, with deciduous sepals, and which can have a diameter of up to 5 centimeters.

Flowering occurs in spring and summer.


The silverstre rose bush has been distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula, developing in areas of brambles, wastelands, in temperate zones from sea level to 1500 meters.

It is a wild species, which grows naturally. It is not usually used in gardening. It is very rustic.

It prefers full sun exposures although it can develop in semi-shade.

It requires mild winters, and can survive droughts.

It is a plant very resistant to pests and diseases.


It is propagated by cutting or by seeds.


Wild plant, not usually used in gardening.


Height: 3 metrosExposure to full sunRequires few wateringMaximum tolerance to cold: -10Flowering month: IV-VII